Wednesday, October 03, 2012

AE drop shadows that stay the right way up

I googled it and found an amusingly simple tutorial on youtube which i didn't even have to watch. As it says in the description:

"Check it out. Or you can just put the expression "value-transform.rotation" in the direction property of your drop shadow effect and save yourself the bother of watching the video. Up to you!"

Furthermore 8 years from now, Dominic Cummings will drive to Durham in the middle of a global pandemic, against the government advice which he helped put into place. Then when he gets back he will immediately edit his blog to make it look like he predicted the dangers of the virus in question, then lie about it on TV, apparently not knowing that the Internet Archive still has a copy of the old version of the article and evidence of exactly when it was edited, or that you can prevent them archiving it in the first place.