Sunday, December 10, 2006

Another unfinished painting

Acrylic on canvas. So far it got better then a little worse again. Will finish it soon.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Pop Art ... DE ARIMAS!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Blobby acrylic painting on cute mini box canvas, done for my friend Menkui! ^_^

Monday, June 19, 2006

another sneak preview

for the sake of posting something ^_^

Here's a bad phone photo of a medium sized oil painting i started. Dunno what it will be yet but pleased with it so far...

Great to use oils again, so much more pleasing than acrylic, and makes me feel like a real artist. :)

Monday, March 06, 2006

Monochrome blobs

Unfinished/sketch acrylic on corrigated cardboard. Found it while packing, had pretty much totally forgotten about it.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Painting finished!

'We Dream of a Static Condition of the Limb'

Surrealist blobs + shapes vaguely inspired by anime FX animation.

10" x 8" acrylic on canvas

This painting is now on sale on ebay!
Please click here to take a loook.

Thanks! ^_^

Friday, February 17, 2006


More incredibly indistinct
phone photos of progress of paintings.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

painting in progress

Some kind of surrealist painting in progress, bad phonecam photo therof. Posted primarily to guilt-trip myself into finishing it!


About me

I'm Tim Drage, one half of notorious LEGO movie-makers Spite Your Face Productions, and founder of electronic/noise/weirdness band Cementimental

I live in London and am currently looking for a job in animation or postproduction.

Thought it was time I got a drawing blog, mainly as a way to get me actually drawing stuff again!

That strategy isn't going too well so far I have to admit... :) In the meantime here are some old drawings:

Intentionally generic toy characters done for an advert pitch:

- overtly cute bunny

- deliberately retarded Masters of the Universe-esque action figure

Doodles done by scribbling then drawing over what the scribble resembles:

Right, I'll try and do some NEW stuff sooon!

Monday, January 30, 2006

TESTING... 1... 2... 3...

DEAR SIR:—On Saturday last, some laborers engaged in digging a well on the farm of W.C. Newell, near the village of Cardiff, about 13 miles south of this city, discovered, lying at about three feet below the surface of the earth, what they supposed to be the “petrified body” of a human being, of colossal size. Its length is ten feet and three inches, and the rest of the body is proportionately large. The excitement in this locality over the discovery is immense and unprecedented. Thousands have visited the locality within the last three days, and the general opinion seems to be that the discovery was the “petrified body” of a human being.